BTCA 2005 Show Me Specialty Donations Received

Sunkist Border Terriers
Fox Chase Border Terriers
Leander and Trudy Harral
R. Marie Rogers
Lee and Katy Anderson
Jean D. Rassbach
Philip Freilich
George and Bonnie Ganem
Margaret B. Pough
Charlotte Metzler
Johnny Miller
Betsy Kirkpatrick and Cindy Peebles
Phil Klosinski
Dottie Tice
Linda Cribbs
Beverly Novak
Jackie and Richard Kensler
Tom McCarthy
Martha DuBois Duke
Jim and Anne Slaughter
Jackie McLean & Blue Sandrock
Sarah, Brian & Madeleine Saucy
Helen Vance
Phil and Becky Deemer
Bruce Blumberg
Sue and Alan Baxter
Anita and Bill Moran
Billie Rosen
Keith Harold
Ellen Babas
Dorothy C. Waggoner
Kathy Van Barriger
Madelyn Bolt
Jill Bonzer & Arthur Douglas
Edward Bear
John and Laurele Stern (Luvemur)
Damara Bolte
Steve & Jane Worstell
Raymond & Donna Paige
Marcia Weber
Mary Castellano
Elizabeth Faber
Mary Ellen Moehler
Debbie Pomeroy
Gary and Judy Slayton
Linda Wischover
Jennifer Tollefson

Jim Fritzhand & Ashby Chadburn
Marceline & Philip Geibel
Jan Robison
Peter & Bodil Aczel
Adele Yunck
Bob & Ellen Azerolo
Larry & Blanche Hessell
Judy & Price Locke
Chris & Pam Dyer
Bobbie Kelley
Towzie Tyke Border Terriers
Edward & Leslie Auwatter
Olive C. Hobbs
Robbie Johnson
Judith & Tom Rivers
Susan Netzman
Tracy Van Niel
Sue Young
Jo Ann Wolf
Connie Bartlett
Kathy & Joe Schrimpf
Marjorie Stephenson
Leslie Sprando
Hazel Wichman
Mike and Marlis Miller
Holly Woodward
Greg & Lesley Francis
Annette Neff
Barbara Ryan
Cathy Meyer
Elizabeth Watkins
Bob & Arden LeBlanc
Holly P. Bostwick
Camilla Moon
Lynn & Larry Jech
Lynn Looper
Douglas Moreland
Kathy Teufel
Danice Casper & Valerie Harrie
Charles & Charlotte Pollard
Janet Garrett
Barbara Dalane & Ann Steinbacher
Renee Lerner
Mike & Rose Shoreman
Mary Beth & Mark Ensor & C Geise
Carolyn & Bryan Siebert
Doris Allen & Tim Willson

A Special Thanks to the following people who made monetary donations and lots of hard work for the pillows donated for the specialty.

Southeast Border Terrier Club
Carol Simpson
Joe and Kathy Schrimpf
Sonya Olech
Francis and Martin Chambers
Teri Beverly
Laura Golden
JoAnn Carbone
Linda and Bill Singleton