What's Happening (or Happened) - 2024

Out and about with the Jansim Gang

January:Anticipation and here comes winter
February:Sad news times four!
March:Spring!!! Maybe yes, maybe no!!!
April:A Total Eclipse of the Sun
May:Jenny's 90th birthday visit and our summer trip including the Border Terrier Canada National Specialty, Mahone Bay, NS
June:Summer trip continued and much more

July:Earthdog front and center
August:The dog days of summer with a touch of fall

Out and About - Archives

Click here to look back at our antics, events, and memories since 2002

Stories, Titbits and Articles

Click here to read the many wonderful stories and wealth of information shared via the Jansim Jottings Group, these stories, titbits and articles, either did not appear in the Jottings, or have been compiled from the Jottings archives - enjoy!

Pupdates - Archives

Click here to look back at the litters that have brought so much pleasure (and new members) to our friendly group

Click here to catch a glimpse of potential litters planned by Jansim and friends


August - The dog days of summer with a touch of fall

A year on from his melanoma diagnosis Fells is still making the best of each day and any opportunity to steal treats and generally keep Donna on her toes.

Friday 23rd, August, we (Chris, myself, Digger and Pickles) got out in the Grumman Sport Boat (glorified square stern canoe with an electric motor so no paddling) on Sydenham lake. It was the first time this year for the dogs and myself – very sad state of affairs.
Digger is an easy passenger and only got excited when he saw a “ball” (float) in the water.
Pickles was much busier, intent on proving she could walk on water, anxious to get the “ball”, go meet the kayakers, chase the speed boat, say “hi” to the lady fishing on the dock, etc.. Somehow we managed the trip without either of us going for a swim!!!
We all enjoyed the obligatory stop at Limestone Creamery on the way home.

Saturday 24th August, Shawna, myself, Spike and Tink headed to Maxville fair grounds for the Border Terrier Club of Ontario Specialty in conjunction with the S,D & G all breed shows..
At the all breed show Spike went Winners dog, Best of Winners for another nice 2-point win.
He had no love in the Specialty but housemate Tink (the only veteran entered) received some lovely comments from the Sweepstakes judge.
As always, it was a nice chance to catch up with like-minded folk.

Tony and Beth with Loki met up with Mel and Marion on a camping trip. These are the opportunities that turn into special occasions. Good food, great friends, memorable moments

The last Wednesday in the month, Chris, Anna (with Olek) and myself met up with Fred and Marnie for coffee and croissant at Coutts Coffee Roastery & Cafe in Perth. I truly enjoy these monthly get-togethers. A chance to catch up and chat without the overtones and undertones of didgital communication. Chris and Fred took time-out to find a geocache in the town and enjoy the stunning architecture.

The last Friday in the month we did not get the boat in the water but checked out a new spot (for us) on Seeley's Bay. It looks promising. On the way up Chris found a geocache near the beautiful Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in Kingston Mills.
The trip home was via the scenic route and took in fish (Digger and Pickles approved) and chips from the Smokin Boys Chip Truck on Burnt Hills Road as well as a geocache located in the hidden in the woods (bet it's creepy at night) VanLuven Cemetery, a short walk from the Frontenac Society of Model Engineers mini Railway.
Even though there was no boat ride involved, a quick stop at limestone creamery was still called for!!!

Birthdays in August were celebrated Deenie's Pippa who celebrated her 10th birthday on August 11th while Mark and Michele's Grizzy turned 8 on August 25th.

A cool find while geocaching. Frontenac Society of Model Engineers mini railway
Jenny thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Marg and Avery (and Jae Lee and Murrie)
Fells attending to his garden,
I wonder if that flower is edible.
Picturesque Stewart Park in Perth
Classic stone architecture.
Statue of Ian Millar and Big Ben
Sydenham Lake and the first time we had Pickles and Digger in the boat together
The required ending to a day on the water, Limestone Creamery
Nimbus, a picture of boating tranquility compared to her sister


July - Earthdog front and center

The month started off with the last day of the BTC/BTCO Canada Day Earthdog extravaganza which was well attended by the Jansim Gang. Nimbus, Spike, Tink, Lola, Felek, Digger and Pickles all had one or more qualifying runs as did many other Border Terriers.

Sadly, the month also started off with the news that Amanda's pretty old lady Reen had left on her "Big Adventure".

Following the Tests, Camilla and Frank came back to Kingston and we enjoyed their visit immensely, Digger's dad Scrapper, housemate Tatters and daughter Sprite were exemplary house guests

In the middle of the month, Chris and I went to the World War II Bomber display at Kingston Airport. On display were the B-17 Flying Fortress Sentimental Journey and the B-25 Mitchell Maid in the Shade.
It was truly humbling to step inside these aircraft and get a sense of the conditions under which the crews had to operate.

The following weekend saw Jansim Gang members heading down to the Finger Lakes Kennel Club AKC Earthdog Tests in Candor, NY with Nimbus, Pickles, Felek, Lola, Spike and Tink finding success.

At the end of the month met up with Fred and Marnie at Coutts Coffee Roastery & Cafe in Perth. This had been a monthly get together until May when our schedules ran away with us.

Birthdays in July were celebrated by Ivy and Scout who turned 9 on July 11th, Pippa's Rupert celebrated birthday 10 on July 17th and Tiago turned four on July 27th.

Fells celebrating Canada day with his Canada Bear. The bear came to no harm and we appreciate Fells honouring our country. He has been a frequent visitor over the years.
Isobel and Finlay were just two of the JJ family who attended the Earthdog Tests in Sunderland, Ontario. Although he didn't qualify he had fun running Master
We've all heard of some Borders being referred to as the "Fun Police" but Albert and Rupert are taking that notion to the extreme. Rupert celebrated his 10th birthday with a trip to the park.
Chris and Maid in the Shade. The B-25 Mitchell was the smaller of the two aircraf.
Digger pretending Olek doesn't exist at our camp site at Finger Lakes KC Earthdog Test
Digger and Pickles waiting for their "Pupcone" at the Limestone Creamery


June - Summer trip continued and much more

Olek, Digger, Pickles and Spike all did well at the South Shore Kennel Club shows following the Specialty. (see Brag Pages)

Yet another memorable meal was enjoyed on Saturday evening when crappy weather had us all enjoying the luxury of Mark and Michele's magnificent fifthwheel and his amazing Gumbo. Memories are made of this!!!

Mark and Chris were able to get out on boat tour of Lunenburg Harbour with them each taking a turn at the helm

With the weekend done we said goodbye to Mark and Michele, Shawna and Anna and headed North with Mel and Marion.

After a lovely and occasionally hair raising ride (roadworks) through Nova Scotia and ew Brunswicj we arrived at the Gaspesie. Stopping to say "Hello" to Tony's sister then parking up for the night in full view or Perce Rock.
From Perce, we made our way home taking in most of the Gaspe peninsula. It did not disappoint.

We enjoyed Mel and Marion's company for a couple of days on their return but the fun was dampened by Chris having to go into hospital for another obstruction.

In a replay from the 2023 BTCA Specialty, Mel and Marion ran through some really nasty weather but eventually made it home safe and sound. Also in a repeat of last year, Donna, Anna and Shawna had a less exciting but no less long journey home by car.

David and Lisa followed up on last Year's trip to England by returning, this time to the Yorkshire Dales (Herriot country) and Scotland. Once again, their FaceBook posts were a treat for the eyes and soul.

At the end of the month, Anna, Shawan and myself headed to the BTC/BTCO CKC Earthdog Tests in Sunderland ON. It was a crazy busy but crazy fun weekend that left us all pretty exhausted...the dogs...not so much.

The only birthdays in June were celebrated by Jane's Didi who turned 6 on June 6th and Amanda's Reen who turned 15 on June 17th.

Grizzy was a gracious host and Mark's Gumbo was the best comfort food imagineable.
Mark in his element at the helm, he and Chris had a great morning on the water.
Posing in Pugwash, one more interesting stop on our drive up to New Brunswick
Our only night in New Brunswick spent at a campground on the banks of the Mighty Miramichi. The next day we headed north to QC
Not far south of Perce Rock we made a surprise visit to the hotel/restuarant where Tony's sister works
Our QC campground, Camping Côte Surprise, with a great view of Perce Rock. Not our first choice as that was not yet open but an excellent alternative.
CHere we met up with fellow Roadtrek "Painted Lady"'s peeps from Prince Edward County. That's her in the photo
Pickles and I watched the sunset reflect off Perce Rock, Digger not so much, he took himself off to bed!!
"'Don't make me swim". The vastness of the gulf of St Lawrence has to be seen to be appreciated!! It is huge!!


May - Jenny's 90th birthday visit and the start of our summer trip to the Border Terrier Canada National Specialty, Mahone Bay, NS

After a cancelled trip in August 2023 and an aborted attempt in October last year, Jenny finally made it to Kingston and celebrated her 90th birthday with us. Jacques and Jocelyne and Fred and Marnie also joined us for her Birthday supper which we celebrated at Anna's house.
Jenny's visit started with her bucket list trip to Niagara and what a fun couple of days that was. I highly recommend the Holiday Inn By The Falls getaway package.

Barely had Jenny returned to Vermont than we were off to the Border Terrier Canada National Specialty in Nova Scotia. Our departure was delayed by 24 hours while Chris recovered from a GI upset but we met up with Mel & Marion just east of Quebec City on the Sunday night just a few hours later than scheduled.
I hope to put together a slide show of our trip but all I can say is that it was great.
We can definitley recommend the Blue Canoe Restuarant at the Irving Big Stop outside of Oromocto and the Loch Lomond Campground near Amherst
Mel & Marion were accompanied by CBTW foster dog Ringer for the trip. We met up with Helen Blake and son Peter in Upper Tantallon, NS and Ringer left with them as happy as a clam. Updates will come via the Jansim Jottings.
The Specialty itself was great and the Jansim gang dis well over the weekend (see the various Brag Pages for details).

Birthdays in May included Spike who celebrated his second birthday on May 12th, a birthday tinged with sadmess and memories of brother Blue, whose tragic loss still hurts so deeply.
Amanda's Cole turned 8 on May 18th and Lexi still burning up the show circuit turned 4 on May 12th.

Jenny's first view of the falls the evening we arrived in Niagara
Mission accomplished. The Hornblower boat ride was more than worth the descent to the quay
The photo says it all. Supper at the Skylon tower on our last evening in Niagara
We stopped in for afternoon tea with Isobel and Finlay. A perfect way to break the ride home.
The Kingston Trolley tour gave Jenny a neat overview of the city we now call home.
A boat tour from Kingston provided some final photo opportunites and more memories.

"Gracie" is loaded and ready to roll.
Ready to roll - Anna's version
Meanwhile, Fells and Donna were well on their way
Geocaching success as we enter Nova Scotia, one of several on the trip.
Ringer meets Helen with sincere thanks to Mel & Marion
Our home away from home for four days - Rayport Camground


April - A Total Eclipse of the Sun

For the second year in a row, Donna and Fells came for a visit this time to see the Total Eclipse. It (and her visit) did not disappoint.

April was a crazy busy month event wise for the Kingston crew!! Sprinter, Rally, Scent Detection, and Barn Hunt with successes in all venues.

Sadly, on April 25th, Chris and Jeff let their amazing and beloved boy Freddy leave on his "Big Adventure". He will be sorely missed.

We had a grand stand view of the eclipse right from our front lawn.
Fells much preferred hanging around on the couch to watch the world go by
Olek lapping up the extra attention, he is a welcome visitor chez Redwood.
Abbey nailing the nosework
Fergus and bog bro' Riley
Digger and Pickles with their April loot


March - Spring!!! Maybe yes, maybe no!!!

The weather still seemed unable to head in one direction with sun and snow making appearances apparently at random.

RB, the Lola-Lorek Red Grizzle boy headed home to Nova Scotia with Andrea Boulding and is now formally known as Jansim Braw Fergus. BB will be staying with Anna for the time being at least and is now Jansim Inspektor Olek.

Loki said goodbye to the annoyance of seasons when she was spayed on March 18th. She milked her recovery for eveything she could, smart girl.

Birthdays in March:
Gryzia and Salem celebrated birthdays turning twelve and thirteen respectively on March 7th.
Rosie celebrated her 8th birthday on March 15th and Olive turned 4 on March 21st

Loki lapping up the attentiona after her spay date.
Happy 8th Birthday Rosie, celebrating in style.
Fells looking very spiffy and full of spring.
Abbey loves the reading to the kids program
I'm not sure Olek and Fergus are "reading" to the critter
Nimbus takes Easter egg hunting very seriously


February - Sad news times four

February started out with summer-like weather that was much enjoyed. Anne Geall came from Nova Scotia for a puppy sitting visit at Anna's and her company and assistance were truly appreciated.

On February 15th we said farewell to Robyn, she passed peacefully at home thanks to the services of Dr. Meredith Galbraith.
That should have been it but on February 25th Sarah lost her beloved Touzie suddenly and without warning. Touzie was the last of a very special but much too short lived litter.
Then we heard that Maisie, New Brusnwick sibling to Freddie and bridge sibs Hermit and Tumnus, had left on her "Big Adventure" on February 26th.

Birthdays in February:
Jinx and Karma turned 15 on February 21st.

However, we were not done with the heartache as we learned that Karma also left this world on February 23rd.

Far too much heartache for one month.

Wow! Stunning dog, stunning backdrop. Cotton in the desert
Lola and Felek appreciated Anne's visit as much as the puppies and Anna did.
Gryzia has her eyes on something being consumed for sure. "Where's mine?"
Fells patrolling his garden, well it's Donna's really but don't tell Fells
Finlay prefers to keep an eye on his garden from the comfort of his window seat.
RB and BB don't have to worry about keeping an eye on anything


January - Anticipation and here comes winter

After a green Christmas, snow came the first weekend in January

An X-ray on January 5th confirmed Lola was pregnant with two pups. and on January the 12th they were delivered by C-Section. Despite the best preictions that science can offer, it appears they were a couple of days early.
You can follow their progress here ./pups2024.htm

Birthdays in January:
Sarah M's Neville turned four on January 12th.
David and Lisa's Jessie turned nine years young on January 19th and Anna's Felek celebrated his 11th birthday on January 24th

Abbey and Olive have the right idea when it comes to winter, I am in full agreement.
Gryzia's position on the subject might be slightly different but the sentiment is the same.
On the other side of the country, Loki is in full agreement snuggling up with Lamb Chop
Lola's naps are not quite so restful since the arrival of her [very] little ones
Typical, the tiny ones are falling asleep on the very important job of topping up.
Bucking the trend!!! Jessie has a very different take on winter!! You go girl!!


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