Out and About
January - February 2008

A Quiet Beginning to a New Year, Anticipation, Action, Cabin Fever Weekend and Tough Times
(Click on photos for enlargement)

The Hollyhill gang relaxing

Higgs looking very cosy

Beth & Gremmie having a good snuggle

Lizzie and Bonus waiting...
for any critters dumb enough to enter the yard

Parker, waiting for...
trouble unless the evidence melts

Bumble and Bria waiting for....
breakfast, not that they're spoilt or anything

Bebe waiting for...
puppies, and the sooner the better before she explodes

Dundee waiting for...
whatever happens next, making the best of his stay

Pip waiting for...
a treat of course, working the cute points

"Give me a boost"
Roger and Maggie after "tree rats"

"Ok! Now let me see?"
Roger considers plan B

"Heads up"
Zeke and Molly on the look out

A tight squeeze but Parker takes pre-rinse seriously

Anticipating Italy - a view to the future

Cabin Fever Weekend - Downtowner view

The "girls" share a tender moment

The other "girls" planning (or plotting)

"My what a long tongue Daisy has!"

Chisel convincing JoAnn he would fit in a Sherpa for her florida trip

"There's a moose loose aboot this [dog]hoose"

Valentines - a time just right for sharing

February has been a tough month again this year with the loss of Jansim Border "Vinci" at nearly fifteen years of age and JJ member Philipa's Django a few months short of his sixteenth birthday.

Lots of good JJ vibes also going out to Roger




Rollie and Casey born December 05, 2007
Proud mom is Anna F's Tinker and pop is "Iggy"

Mom keeps a watchful eye on the boys

Rollie (or maybe Casey) stepping out in style

Stay tuned for further news from this twosome as Rollie now lives with Sarah and Henry while Casey has joined the household of Pennny, Dot and family

Bebe Babies! born January 25, 2008
Proud mom is Amanda's Bebe and pop is Marg's blue boy Devlin

Just as cute as can be at 14 days

"Got my [bleary] eye on you"

"Little Boy" still a little bleary eyed

"Funny Girl" on the trail of something funny

"Big Girl" tackling the big job of home guard

"Big Boy" snuggling for a big sleep next to Auntie DJ


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